New Orleans Hornets stagione 2010/11

Dopo le brutte esperienze in California e in Canada, Marco ricomincia da NOLA.
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Re: New Orleans Hornets stagione 2010/11

Messaggioda Patavino » 26/11/2010, 0:15

"Ha già fatto amicizia con Garnett" :lol:

Grande Raf!

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Re: New Orleans Hornets stagione 2010/11

Messaggioda sundance » 26/11/2010, 1:33

raf ha scritto:No per piacere, qualcuno spieghi alla signorina che belinelli non ha bisogno
di un vecchio col catetere a fargli da balia.
Belinelli in Italia era un leader nella Fortitudo. Mi stava sul caxxo
in una maniera spropositata. Son tre anni che è in america,
ha già fatto amicizia con gente come garnett, ha tutta l'esperienza
che serve per stare in quel mondo.
Jack non serve, anzi.

Am I missing something here in translation?

In no way am I saying he needs friends in the NBA, and whereas it means alot to you that he was a leader on his Italian team it means nothing over here. Really, nothing. The NBA is different than euroball. It's not necessarily better, it's just different and I think it's one reason why Rudy Fernandez wants out of Portland. I'm glad Marco's got friends like Garnett and Kobe, but let's face it these guys won't help him with his game. If that was the case, someone like Jannero Pargo would be a superstar in the league.

At this point, Marco's just a blip on the NBA's radar. Nothing about his game stands out at this point. He's very good within Monty's system, but he's going to have play bigger than he has so far if he hopes to get a contract next season. It's just the culture of the NBA. And I don't care if Jarrett is half scrub/journeyman, he's experienced and has made a name for himself in the league. If he can help Marco then I'm all for it.
RESISTANCE Belinelli N ° 13

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Re: New Orleans Hornets stagione 2010/11

Messaggioda Matt_11 » 26/11/2010, 1:41

marco > JJ in everyone of your radars... :D

Pagelle di Max, 31.3.2011
è andato sul monte Sinai per ricevere le tavole di Triano.
poi è sceso e le ha buttate via perché c'erano scritte solo cazzate.
ha fatto bene.

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Re: New Orleans Hornets stagione 2010/11

Messaggioda TitoLivio » 26/11/2010, 2:27

sundance ha scritto:
raf ha scritto:No per piacere, qualcuno spieghi alla signorina che belinelli non ha bisogno
di un vecchio col catetere a fargli da balia.
Belinelli in Italia era un leader nella Fortitudo. Mi stava sul caxxo
in una maniera spropositata. Son tre anni che è in america,
ha già fatto amicizia con gente come garnett, ha tutta l'esperienza
che serve per stare in quel mondo.
Jack non serve, anzi.

Am I missing something here in translation?

In no way am I saying he needs friends in the NBA, and whereas it means alot to you that he was a leader on his Italian team it means nothing over here. Really, nothing. The NBA is different than euroball. It's not necessarily better, it's just different and I think it's one reason why Rudy Fernandez wants out of Portland. I'm glad Marco's got friends like Garnett and Kobe, but let's face it these guys won't help him with his game. If that was the case, someone like Jannero Pargo would be a superstar in the league.

At this point, Marco's just a blip on the NBA's radar. Nothing about his game stands out at this point. He's very good within Monty's system, but he's going to have play bigger than he has so far if he hopes to get a contract next season. It's just the culture of the NBA. And I don't care if Jarrett is half scrub/journeyman, he's experienced and has made a name for himself in the league. If he can help Marco then I'm all for it.

When he says "became friend with Garnett" I think he is ironic, rembering the... let's say "discussion"... Marco had with KG.
Probably he wanted to say that even if Marco, as you say, is just a blip on NBA's radar, he doesn't feel like that. I think that Marco can be what he is meant to be in the league without the "tutoring" of an older player because he learnt here how to be a star ("the one" who solves the problem, "the one" who wins games) on his team and he can handle the pressure of being a useful player in NBA without problem.

You are right saying that he needs to play bigger, but probably Marco knows better than us and he is trying to improve, with or without the help of JJ.

Forgive my bad english, I hope i made myself clear.
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Re: New Orleans Hornets stagione 2010/11

Messaggioda sundance » 26/11/2010, 4:43

TitoLivio, infinitely clearer, thank you.

I don't mean to sound harsh on Marco, I want very much for him to succeed here. Just trying to stay realistic. :wink:
RESISTANCE Belinelli N ° 13

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Re: New Orleans Hornets stagione 2010/11

Messaggioda benny » 26/11/2010, 16:21

sundance Purtroppo dubito che jack possa aiutarlo. Erano rivali ai rap e lo sono anche ora. Su garnet si è fatto un battuta (la semi ucciso 2 volte in paio di blocchi). La risposta piccata no n era per il contenuto ma per jack stesso che in questo sito gli amanti di belinelli non amano proprio (un pò come Jack, Derozan e Wems che nei raptors hanno rubato minuti preziosi).

sundance, Unfortunately I doubt that Jack can help him. They were rivals in the rap and are even now. On garnet became a joke (the seeds killed 2 times in two blocks). The answer was piqued no n for the content but the same jack that this site Belinelli lovers just do not like (a bit like Jack, and Derozan Wems that the raptors have stolen precious minutes).

PS. Il mio inglese è figlio di Google traduttore, perdonalo :)
PS. My English is the son of Google translator, forgive him:)

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Iscritto il: 12/07/2010, 2:41

Re: New Orleans Hornets stagione 2010/11

Messaggioda sundance » 26/11/2010, 18:45

benny, sometimes the joke gets lost in google translate. Thanks for helping me 'get it.'

The support Marco has here is fantastic and it's a reason why I love coming to this site. I also had a bad feeling about the trade when first announced. Like you, I don't know how Jarrett will affect Marco's minutes. If he's used strictly as a back-up PG, then I think he could be useful to the team.
RESISTANCE Belinelli N ° 13

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Re: New Orleans Hornets stagione 2010/11

Messaggioda benny » 26/11/2010, 18:58

You're welcome ;)
Jack will certainly be the play of reserve, but I will also play a few minutes to look at (hopefully without stealing a mark). Then as a player is not that despise, it also has a beautiful shot penetration that I appreciate very much, we'll see how he plays, I saw that was used in conjunction with beli, paul and ariza in a small lineup (the last year, when done by rap, hated because it meant the bench for the beli). The important thing is that however beli and NO come back to win, useless to the issues before you see that kind of balance will be created as a team.

Non c'è di che ;)
Jack sarà sicuramente il play di riserva, ma credo giocherà anche alcuni minuti da guardia (spero senza rubarli a marco). Poi come giocatore non è che lo disprezzi, ha anche un bellissimo tiro in penetrazione che apprezzo molto, vedremo come giocherà, ho visto che è stato usato insieme al beli, paul e ariza in un quintetto piccolo (che l'anno scorso, quando fatto dai rap, odiavamo perchè voleva dire panchina per il beli). L'importante è che comunque il beli e no tornino a vincere, inutile farsi dei problemi prima di vedere che tipo di equilibrio si creerà in squadra.

Ps the friendship between garnet and beli born here
reinforcement and then after a few games

In short, we want to own good :lol2: :lol2:
Beli is the interview after the race. (translate|en|%0A.) ... girata.asp

Ps Non fa male rocky non fa male :)
Ultima modifica di benny il 27/11/2010, 1:39, modificato 1 volta in totale.

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Re: New Orleans Hornets stagione 2010/11

Messaggioda TitoLivio » 26/11/2010, 19:48

That was the kind of "discussion" i was talking about!

Ma sbaglio o c'è stato anche un muso a muso in campo, tra i due?
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Re: New Orleans Hornets stagione 2010/11

Messaggioda Saba88 » 27/11/2010, 16:37

Bella vittoria degli Hornets dopo 2 sconfitte di fila. Si torna in Louisiana con un 2-2 in queste 4 trasferte che non è male ma poteva andare anche meglio, ieri contro Portland si è rivista la NO di inizio stagione e sono serto che c'è la mano del Coach che ha ripreso subito le redini della squadra per rimetterla in carreggiata.
Ieri buona prestazione di Green che ha avuto lo stesso minutaggio del Beli.
Resistenza Belinelli N° 4

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Re: New Orleans Hornets stagione 2010/11

Messaggioda Guidus88 » 29/11/2010, 12:44

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Re: New Orleans Hornets stagione 2010/11

Messaggioda andredici » 29/11/2010, 14:26

jj ?

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Re: New Orleans Hornets stagione 2010/11

Messaggioda ... » 29/11/2010, 15:27

andredici ha scritto:jj ?

OVVIO :shock:

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Re: New Orleans Hornets stagione 2010/11

Messaggioda Saba88 » 29/11/2010, 16:14

... ha scritto:
andredici ha scritto:jj ?

OVVIO :shock:

Si però la sconfitta di ieri non si può imputare al solo Jack, non scherziamo....
Resistenza Belinelli N° 4

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Re: New Orleans Hornets stagione 2010/11

Messaggioda ... » 29/11/2010, 22:02

Infatti la colpa se la dividono M.Williams e J.Jack...

P.S.M.Williams ha sicuramente sbagliato ma ciò non può mettere in ombra quanto fatto finora...

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